HuSmith, Inc Apps

LockMenu (free) - Lockscreen 1.2.0
HuSmith, Inc
Make your phone work for you – Replace yourAndroid lockscreen with LockMenu.This upgrade has some new features on the look of your LockMenu(e.g. a new slider style), performance improvements and minor bugfixes.Note - We DO NOT (and never have) collected any information fromyour phone other than application bug/force close reports fromGoogle/BugSense. All installation requested privileges are used bysome feature of the application (e.g direct dialing, allowing youto turn on/off your GPS/wifi/airplane mode,...). We DO NOT collectyour email, contacts, phone number...Now available LockMenu Pro - the ad free version - Go toLockmenu Pro on the Android Marketplace.Welcome to the LockMenu, we are very excited that so many of youlike the app. Please send us feedback, new features and issues, werespond to all emails ([email protected])Lock Menu is a replacement lock screen that gives you theability to launch applications and shortcuts directly from yourlock screen. Lock Menu gives you the ability to customize 7individual sliders so you can build a lock screen that fits yourneeds.Launch an application, direct text, or direct dial all from yourlock screen.No need to unlock your phone and navigate to your Home app, justto launch another application. Lock Menu allows you to access thetasks you perform regularly on the first screen that appears.This version is supported by ads. The ad free version may befound at Lockmenu Pro. Other than removing the ads there are noother differences between Lockmenu Pro (paid) and Lockmenu (adsupported).LockMenu Features Include:- Configure up to 9 sliders- Launch applications or shortcuts from sliders- Launch direct dial or direct text from sliders- Go to Home screen from sliders- Configure whether each slider unlocks device- Wallpaper or custom background- Easy access to phone controls (wifi, bluetooth, airplanemode)- LockMenu Pro - Ad Free version released.Notes on user feedback:- Please provide feedback and bugs to [email protected]. We willrespond ASAP. Also goto for moredetails.- Updates and Testing – Since LockMenu controls access to yourphone we must test extensively. We have 6 different models ofandroid phones we test on before releasing the code to a testgroup. Our extensive testing slows down adding new features. If wewere implementing a game, a mistake would not be as critical, weare controlling your phone so a mistake is more then annoying.- Alarm clock issues (mostly HTC users) - Unfortunately LockMenudoes not work well with the normal HTC alarm clock. We found thatusing Alarm Clock Plus from the Android market eliminates any alarmclock issues. Note - We are in no way affiliated with Alarm ClockPlus.- Testing - We currently test on 6 different phones prior toreleasing to a small set of users for testing. Even with all thistesting, there are some quirky behaviors (like the normal androidunlock slider periodically coming up) that we cannot completelyfix. We have to fool android into letting us do what we do.- Performance - We are constantly looking at ways to improve theperformance of the LockMenu application. One use of the LockmenuBackground service is to prepare the screen for display of theLockMenu as the phone is going to sleep. We will continue to lookat ways to improve the apps performance and welcome anysuggestions.- Security (Pin, password, Pattern)- If you use Android's unlocksecurity (e.g. PIN/Password/Pattern) please see our FAQ at While LockMenu workswith Android's unlock security (works the best with Pattern), it'snot as clean as we would like...we find this very frustrating butits due to Androids security implementation.Keywords: Lockmenu, Lock Menu, Lock screen, Slider, Shortcut,Menu, Key Guard
LockMenu Pro - Lockscreen 1.2.0
HuSmith, Inc
Make your phone work for you – Replace yourAndroid lockscreen with LockMenu.LockMenu Pro: No ads!We appreciate your amazing support. Keep the ideas coming.This upgrade has some new features on the look of your LockMenu(e.g. a new slider style), performance improvements and minor bugfixes.Note - We DO NOT (and never have) collected any information fromyour phone other than application bug/force close reports fromGoogle/BugSense. All installation requested privileges are used bysome feature of the application (e.g direct dialing, allowing youto turn on/off your GPS/wifi/airplane mode,...). We DO NOTknow/collect your email, contacts, phone number...Welcome to the LockMenu, we are very excited that so many of youlike the app. Please send us feedback, new features andissues/bugs, we respond to all emails ([email protected])LockMenu Pro (this version) does not have ads. Other thanremoving the ads there are no other differences between LockmenuPro (paid) and Lockmenu (ad supported).LockMenu is a replacement lock screen that gives you the abilityto launch applications and shortcuts directly from your lockscreen. LockMenu gives you the ability to customize 7 individualsliders so you can build a lock screen that fits your needs.Launch an application, direct text, or direct dial all from yourlock screen.No need to unlock your phone and navigate to your Home app, justto launch another application. LockMenu allows you to access thetasks you perform regularly on the first screen that appears.LockMenu Features Include:- Configure up to 9 sliders- Launch applications or shortcuts from sliders- Launch direct dial or direct text from sliders- Go to Home screen from sliders- Configure whether each slider unlocks device- Wallpaper or custom background- Easy access to phone controls (wifi, bluetooth, airplanemode)- Updates and Testing – Since LockMenu controls access to yourphone we must test extensively. We have 6 different models ofandroid phones we test on before releasing the code to a testgroup. Our extensive testing slows down adding new features. If wewere implementing a game, a mistake would not be as critical, weare controlling your phone so a mistake is more then annoying.- Alarm clock issues (mostly HTC users) - Unfortunately LockMenudoes not work well with the normal HTC alarm clock. We found thatusing Alarm Clock Plus from the Android market eliminates any alarmclock issues. Note - We are in no way affiliated with Alarm ClockPlus.- Quirky behavior – Every type of android phone is slightlydifferent. Changes we make may work differently on different typesof phone (e.g. Samsung Galaxy S vs. Droid 2 vs. any HTC phones). Wecurrently test on 6 different phones prior to releasing to a smallset of users for testing. Even with all this testing, there aresome quirky behaviors (like the normal android unlock sliderperiodically coming up) that we cannot completely fix. We have tofool android into letting us do what we do.- Performance - We are constantly looking at ways to improve theperformance of the LockMenu application. One use of the LockmenuBackground service is to prepare the screen for display of theLockMenu as the phone is going to sleep. We will continue to lookat ways to improve the apps performance and welcome anysuggestions.- Security (Pin, password, Pattern)- If you use Android's unlocksecurity (e.g. PIN/Password/Pattern) please see our FAQ at While LockMenu workswith Android's unlock security (works the best with Pattern), it'snot as clean as we would like...we find this very frustrating butits due to Androids security implementation.